Pirate's Cove
Pirate's Cove
Pirate's Cove
Site Minimum: 10 people
Site Maximum: 30 people
Description: The very eastern end of Kennabi Lake. Basically 2 large open tent sites with campfire area between.
Exposure: North and west. Late afternoon sun. Usually a westerly breeze.
Travel Time (by canoe)
>> to Hub = 30 - 45 min.
>> to Main End / Parking = 60 - 75 min.
Comments: A long way for supplies.
Campsite Name Meaning: Opened by 105th Toronto Troop under Scouter Gary Pepper.
Aerial view of Pirate's Cove
Footage provided by Scouter Kurt G from 1st Campbellville.
We are working on creating updated maps. Some information may not be accurate.